Why are photographers so expensive?

This is a very commonly asked question that i’d love to address. I was wondering the same thing prior to starting my professional photography career. The reason why photographers are so expensive is because a number of things, one being their creative time and post production work. Another being the cost of doing business.

It can’t cost that much to own a camera and snap some photos can it? There’s a lot of behind the scenes expenses that you may not be aware of. I pay thousands of dollars annually to keep my business up and running.

Here’s a list of some things that I pay for just to run my business:

  • Camera

  • Back up camera

  • Lighting equipment

  • Multiple lenses

  • External Hard drives

  • Lots and lots of SD cards

  • Batteries for days

  • Macbook Pro

  • Editing software

  • Website

  • Client flow management platform (CRM)

  • Contracts written by a lawyer

  • Licencing

  • Insurance

  • Studio rentals

  • Education

While all that and then some may be expensive, then why is everyone priced differently? That boils down to their years of experience, skill level, type of photography, location and the client experience they deliver. While choosing your photographer, choose someone who you align with the best.


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